The Steward API reference is generated directly from the protobuf files and appear in alphabetical order.
AdaptorCall type
The CallOnAdaptor Cellar function allows the strategist to leverage any adaptor contract that is approved by governance and not blocked by Steward. Adaptors are contracts that provide interfaces to other smart contracts such as utility contracts or DeFi protocols like Aave, Uniswap, Balancer, etc. The source code for adaptor contracts can be found in the cellar-contracts repository
All adaptor calls are wrapped in the AdaptorCall type, which contains the address of the target adaptor, and the actual adaptor call data. The source code can be found here:
// Represents a call to an adaptor contract. The cellar must be authorized to call the target adaptor.
message AdaptorCall {
// Address of the adaptor
string adaptor = 1;
// The function call data for the adaptor
oneof call_data {
// Represents function calls to the AaveATokenAdaptor V1
AaveATokenAdaptorV1Calls aave_a_token_v1_calls = 2;
// Represents function calls to the AavaDebtTokenAdaptor V1
AaveDebtTokenAdaptorV1Calls aave_debt_token_v1_calls = 3;
// Represents function calls to the CompoundCTokenAdaptor V2
CompoundCTokenAdaptorV2Calls compound_c_token_v2_calls = 4;
// Represents function calls to the AaveATokenV2Adaptor
AaveATokenAdaptorV2Calls aave_a_token_v2_calls = 5;
// Represents function calls to the AavaDebtTokenV2Adaptor
AaveDebtTokenAdaptorV2Calls aave_debt_token_v2_calls = 6;
// Represents function calls to the AaveATokenV1Adaptor
AaveV3ATokenAdaptorV1Calls aave_v3_a_token_v1_calls = 7;
// Represents function calls to the AavaDebtTokenV1Adaptor
AaveV3DebtTokenAdaptorV1Calls aave_v3_debt_token_v1_calls = 8;
// Represents function calls to the OneInchAdaptorV1
OneInchAdaptorV1Calls one_inch_v1_calls = 9;
// Represents function calls to the FeesAndReservesAdaptorV1
FeesAndReservesAdaptorV1Calls fees_and_reserves_v1_calls = 10;
// Represents functionc alls to the ZeroXAdaptorV1
ZeroXAdaptorV1Calls zero_x_v1_calls = 11;
// Represents function calls to the SwapWithUniswapAdaptorV1
SwapWithUniswapAdaptorV1Calls swap_with_uniswap_v1_calls = 12;
// Represents function calls to VestingSimpleAdaptor
VestingSimpleAdaptorV2Calls vesting_simple_v2_calls = 13;
// Represents function calls to the CellarAdaptor
CellarAdaptorV1Calls cellar_v1_calls = 14;
// Represents function calls to the UniswapV3Adaptor V2
UniswapV3AdaptorV2Calls uniswap_v3_v2_calls = 15;
// Represents function calls to the AaveV2EnableAssetAsCollatorAdaptor V1
AaveV2EnableAssetAsCollateralAdaptorV1Calls aave_v2_enable_asset_as_collateral_v1_calls = 16;
// Represents function calls to the FTokenAdaptor V1
FTokenAdaptorV1Calls f_token_v1_calls = 17;
// Represents function calls to the MorphoAaveV2AToken V1
MorphoAaveV2ATokenAdaptorV1Calls morpho_aave_v2_a_token_v1_calls = 18;
// Represents function calls to the MorphoAaveV2DebtToken V1
MorphoAaveV2DebtTokenAdaptorV1Calls morpho_aave_v2_debt_token_v1_calls = 19;
// Represents function calls to the MorphoAaveV3ATokenCollateral V1
MorphoAaveV3ATokenCollateralAdaptorV1Calls morpho_aave_v3_a_token_collateral_v1_calls = 20;
// Represents function calls to the MorphoAaveV3ATokenP2P V1
MorphoAaveV3ATokenP2PAdaptorV1Calls morpho_aave_v3_a_token_p2p_v1_calls = 21;
// Represents function calls to the MorphoAaveV3DebtToken V1
MorphoAaveV3DebtTokenAdaptorV1Calls morpho_aave_v3_debt_token_v1_calls = 22;
// Represents function calls to the BalancerPoolAdaptor V1
BalancerPoolAdaptorV1Calls balancer_pool_v1_calls = 23;
// Represents function calls to the LegacyCellarAdaptor V1
LegacyCellarAdaptorV1Calls legacy_cellar_v1_calls = 24;
// Represents function calls to the DebtFTokenAdaptor V1
DebtFTokenAdaptorV1Calls debt_f_token_v1_calls = 25;
// Represents function calls to the CollateralFTokenAdaptor V1
CollateralFTokenAdaptorV1Calls collateral_f_token_v1_calls = 26;
// Represents function call for the AaveV3DebtTokenAdaptorV1
AaveV3DebtTokenAdaptorV1FlashLoanCalls aave_v3_debt_token_v1_flash_loan_calls = 27;
// Represents function call for the BalancerPoolAdaptorV1
BalancerPoolAdaptorV1FlashLoanCalls balancer_pool_v1_flash_loan_calls = 28;
// Represents function calls for the ConvexCurveAdaptorV1
ConvexCurveAdaptorV1Calls convex_curve_v1_calls = 29;
// Represents function calls for the CurveAdaptorV1
CurveAdaptorV1Calls curve_v1_calls = 30;
// Represents function calls for the AuraERC4626AdaptorV1
AuraERC4626AdaptorV1Calls aura_erc4626_v1_calls = 31;
// Represents function calls for the MorphoBlueCollateralAdaptorV1
MorphoBlueCollateralAdaptorV1Calls morpho_blue_collateral_v1_calls = 32;
// Represents function calls for the MorphoBlueDebtAdaptorV1
MorphoBlueDebtAdaptorV1Calls morpho_blue_debt_v1_calls = 33;
// Represents function calls for the MorphoBlueSupplyAdaptorV1
MorphoBlueSupplyAdaptorV1Calls morpho_blue_supply_v1_calls = 34;
// Represents function calls for the ERC4626AdaptorV1
ERC4626AdaptorV1Calls erc4626_v1_calls = 35;
// Represents function calls for the StakingAdaptorV1
StakingAdaptorV1Calls staking_v1_calls = 36;
Notice that each available call data type has a plural name, for example StakingAdaptorV1Calls. These types are wrappers for their actual respective call types, in this case StakingAdaptorV1Call (no 's' at the end) that allow multiple function calls to the same adaptor to be executed in one transaction.
Each protocol has its own .proto file where types are defined for adaptor-specific functions. In general, only the latest version of an adaptor proto should be used. That is, if there is a file containing both MyAdaptorV1 and MyAdaptorV2 types, V1 is probably only relevant for older Cellars.
The full list of .proto files defining functions for each adaptor can be found here
Some adaptors have a flashloan function. To avoid circular dependencies in the protos, seperate protobuf files are created for the flashloan functionality, and these files have their own near-identical AdaptorCall definitions. This means when using an adaptor call in a flashloan you will need to be sure you are importing the correct AdaptorCall type. For example, the Aave V3 Debt Token Flash Loan proto is for the same adaptor as aave_v3_debt_token.proto, and defines its own AdaptorCall enum called AdaptorCallForAaveV3FlashLoan.
Adaptor Call Wrappers and Common Functions
All adaptor call types have a corresponding wrapper to allow multiple adaptor function calls in the same transaction. For example:
// Represents call data for the Aave AToken adaptor V2, used to manage lending positions on Aave
message AaveATokenAdaptorV2 {
oneof function {
// Represents function `revokeApproval(ERC20 asset, address spender)`
RevokeApproval revoke_approval = 1;
// Represents function `depositToAave(ERC20 tokenToDeposit, uint256 amountToDeposit)`
DepositToAave deposit_to_aave = 2;
// Represents function `withdrawFromAave(ERC20 tokenToWithdraw, uint256 amountToWithdraw)`
WithdrawFromAave withdraw_from_aave = 3;
// ... function definitions below
// Wrapper
message AaveATokenAdaptorV2Calls {
repeated AaveATokenAdaptorV2 calls = 1;
Additionally, all adaptor call types support the RevokeApproval cellar function, which allows the strategist to revoke approval for an adaptor contract to spend a specific ERC20 token. This function is useful for security purposes, as it allows the strategist to limit the permissions of an adaptor contract.
Function Type Definitions
Each adaptor call message defines its own function types within itself. This way, function names are scoped only to the adaptor call type they are relevant to in the protobuf files. For example, the AaveATokenAdaptorV2 message defines the DepositToAave function, which is specific to the Aave AToken adaptor V2, and can be found below the oneof shown in the earlier example:
// Represents call data for the Aave AToken adaptor V2, used to manage lending positions on Aave
message AaveATokenAdaptorV2 {
oneof function {
// Represents function `revokeApproval(ERC20 asset, address spender)`
RevokeApproval revoke_approval = 1;
// Represents function `depositToAave(ERC20 tokenToDeposit, uint256 amountToDeposit)`
DepositToAave deposit_to_aave = 2;
// Represents function `withdrawFromAave(ERC20 tokenToWithdraw, uint256 amountToWithdraw)`
WithdrawFromAave withdraw_from_aave = 3;
* Allows strategists to lend assets on Aave.
* Represents function `depositToAave(ERC20 tokenToDeposit, uint256 amountToDeposit)`
message DepositToAave {
// The address of the ERC20 token to deposit
string token = 1;
// The amount to deposit
string amount = 2;
// ... more function definitions below
This structure will be reflected in the location of each type in the your generated proto bindings library.